Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Toilet Etiquette

Apparently people in America don't know toilet etiquettes very well. The bathroom at my office keeps getting backed up, and it's not very pretty. Maybe people put too much paper in the toilet. That's why I always flush if it's big, and I flush between rounds of wiping too. I don't want their to be too much in the toilet. Sometimes I have a really big poop, and it sticks up out of the water. I definitely flush then.

People should really learn to flush more often. Or just keep a trash can next to the toilet for your used toilet paper like they do in China.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

thai curry

Am I the only one that notices that red Thai curry looks like diarrhea? I told people yesterday at lunch, and they were all surprised. It must be because they are all Americans.

I think Serena most appreciate that I tell her this. She was really grossed out. But this is good for her, because curry has a lot of cream in it, and now she won't get fat. She always complains that she's fat, and now I can help her not feel that way. I always try to be a good friend.

Friday, November 16, 2007


Today I had to help my manager, top #1 stupid white Caius, with his management skills. During our daily standup meeting, as I was giving my update on the massive amounts of work I had done the previous day, he was standing there across the circle from me picking his teeth! Can you believe it? How can people on the team possibly respect him if he does that?

So, for his own sake, I had to stop the meeting and tell him not to pick his teeth in front of everyone because it would lower their respect for him.

I feel really happy for Caius that he was able to learn such an important thing from me today.

Plus, I really love pom grenade juice.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

My John

I guess I shouldn't be too upset about John going out with Serena last night. That is because he missed seeing me and my impressive rock climbing. I was definitely the best dressed of my group, coordinating my all black outfit very carefully. I did not realize they would give us ugly shoes, but luckily the black piping did match my outfit. I was also the strongest of the beginning climbing group, as I was already working on the 5'10'' climbs. And then, while everyone was complaining how sore and tired they were, I started doing squats with the heavy weights. Yeah, I definitely rocked it, and could show off my strong arm and leg muscles.
I'm very offended. My John made lunch plans today and didn't tell me. When I IM'd him, he didn't reply. And he went to dinner with Serena at our restaurant!

I'm not going to tell him about that new eye cream I found at Kiehls. What does he have to say for himself today?

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Facial Care Products

A lot of people here seem to be confused about which facial care products to use. They have a favorite brand that they use, but that's just the first step. I often test people's knowledge of grooming when I meet them by asking them what facial product they use. The right answer is "It depends". If you only use one facial care product on your face, can you even consider that personal grooming? It's just slapping some goo on your face and massaging it in. Sometimes Americans disgust me with their lack of knowledge of grooming.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

AIX Rules!

I really love AIX. It's the best operating system around. Much better than Windows (for dorks) and MacOS (for stupid whites). I love AIX so much that I even wear their clothing line all the time. It's not the most stylish clothing line (I prefer striped pants on men), but I wear it to show pride in AIX.